Complaint Process
Pursuant to Education Code 35186, schools must provide the following:
Sufficient textbooks and instructional materials, so that each student, including English learners, have a textbook or instructional material, or both, to use in class and to take home to complete required homework assignments.
A certificated teacher that possesses competency in the subject matter to teach the class.
School facilities that are clean, safe, and maintained in good repair. A complaint may be filed related to a facilities condition that poses an emergency or urgent threat to the health or safety of pupils or staff such as gas leaks, malfunctioning heating, ventilation, fire sprinklers or air conditioning systems, electrical power failure, major sewer line stoppage, major pest or vermin infestation, broken windows, or exterior doors or gates that will not lock and that pose a security risk, abatement of hazardous material previously undiscovered that pose an immediate threat to pupil or staff, or structural damage creating a hazardous or uninhabitable condition.
Pupils who have not passed the high school exit exam by the end of 12th grade are provided the opportunity to receive intensive instruction and services pursuant to Education Code 37254 (d) (4) and (5) after the completion of grade 12.
A parent, guardian, pupil or teacher may file a complaint with the principal of the school using the complaint form that is available from the school office or that can be accessed on the Modesto City Schools webpage at
The District’s Uniform Complaint Procedure is available in the school office or online at