College, Career, and Dual Enrollment
Course Catalog (filter to Joseph A. Gregori)
Gregori Counseling Department

Gregori Counseling Department
L Building
Darlene Carvalho
Student Services Administrator
(209) 492-3483
Corrie Johnson
Student Alpha: A – Das & TOPS
(209) 492-4049
7:26am - 2:25pm
Erika Suarez
Student Alpha: Dav – Hue & G230
(209) 492-6592
8:30am - 3:29pm
Brandi Miller
Student Alpha: Huf - M & TLC, Transitions
(209) 492-5736
8:30am - 3:29pm
Alicia Sequeira:
Student Alpha: N – Per & EL students
(209) 492-4613
8:30am - 3:29pm
Zaira Casillas Perez
Student Alpha: Pes – San & SDC
(209) 492-6985
Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 3:29pm
Sara Minteer
Student Alpha: Sao – Z & AVID
(209) 492-3283
8:30am - 3:29pm
Alison Kuykendall: College Counselor
(209) 492-4183
7:45am - 2:45pm

Power School – Monitor Assignments and Grades
What is PowerSchool?
With PowerSchool, parents will be able to access vital information about their children quickly and accurately. They can see the results of tests and assignments as soon as they are recorded, enabling them to intervene quickly and communicate with guidance counselors and teachers, if necessary. Day in and day out, PowerSchool will help parents help their children achieve their potential. PowerSchool is a comprehensive student information system that will enable the Modesto City Schools District to easily manage a wealth of information online: be it grades, transcripts, report cards, assessments, or daily attendance. Detailed Parent Guide For The Parent Portal and other important apps can be found on our Parent Help Center Website here:
How-To Tutorials:
PowerSchool Parent Portal
Sign Up & Use on Web Guide
(And in Spanish)
Sign Up & Use on Web Video
(And in Spanish)