Transfer Options
Modesto City Schools recognizes that students and families have unique educational needs deserving special consideration. Therefore, procedures have been established providing for the opportunity for students to attend a school other than the school where their residency has been established. The information below reflects guidelines allowing parents to enroll their children in District schools with available space, so long as certain requirements are met.
Intradistrict Transfer
An intradistrict transfer allows a student to transfer from their school of residence to another school within District boundaries. This includes incoming 9th grade students from our feeder districts who live within MCS high school boundaries. Student requests must meet the following criteria:
Day Care (K-8 Only) *Change of Residence
Student Welfare *Program Offering (Program not offered at school of residence.)
Sibling Enrolled at Requested School
Application forms must be turned in to the school of residence by the deadline. Once students have been accepted on an intradistrict transfer, they need only to apply at the next level (junior high, middle school, and high school). Students must maintain passing grades, good behavior, and attendance to remain on this permit. Exceptions to the deadline are: Current students who change residence, Kindergarten, K-8 GATE Program, Open Plan Program, and the IB
Program. Transportation is not provided.
Interdistrict Transfer
An interdistrict transfer permit shall be requested when a transfer from or to another school district is required. Application forms must be turned in to the Child Welfare and Attendance Office (Building B). Students must maintain passing grades, good behavior, and attendance to remain on this permit. Transportation is not provided. Permits must be renewed on a yearly basis.