Early Checkout
We would also like to remind students and parents that students who leave campus for any reason before the end of their school day (including 8th period classes) without checking out through the Attendance Office are considered TRUANT.
Students, the day you need to check out of school for a medical or court appointment, please have your parent/guardian send a note. If a note is forgotten, the parent will need to come into the Attendance office, show picture ID, then the student will be called out of class. The teachers appreciate when we do not have to interrupt their classes.
Absentee Phone-Dialer System
Davis has implemented an "absentee phone dialer system." If your student has been marked absent 1 or more periods in the day, you will receive an automated phone call between the hours of 6-9 p.m. Please call back the following day between 8:30 to 3:30 to clear these absences. Or leave a message on the automatic system. Follow the prompts, choose English or Spanish, and leave your message. Please be sure to contact the attendance office to update your telephone number if it is not current. 574-1675.