Say Something Anonymous Reporting System

Modesto City Schools is officially launching the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, providing a safe and secure way for youth and adults to speak up about threats and concerning behaviors.

What is Say Something?

The Say Something Anonymous Reporting System is a no-cost youth violence prevention program offered by the national nonprofit organization Sandy Hook Promise (SHP). It can be used to anonymously report any type of serious concern—school threats, self-harm, sexual harassment, abuse, bullying, or depression—related to a student.

The system teaches the warning signs of potential violence and offers several ways for users to submit tips to a dedicated National Crisis Center for analysis and response—by mobile app, website, or telephone hotline—24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.

Say Something Anonymous Reporting System. See it. Report it. Scan the QR code or Text TIP to 79775.

When credible tips are received, the National Crisis Center notifies a team of school-based representatives to act on those tips. In cases of imminent threat, the National Crisis Center contacts local law enforcement for emergency response. This enables school administrators and law enforcement to work together to effectively prevent shootings, suicide, bullying, self-harm, and other forms of violence and victimization. 

Student Trainings 

Our students are aware of the problems and struggles that their peers are facing on a daily basis. We must empower them to know the signs of potential danger and give them the tools to help each other with the assistance of trained and caring adults.

February 26 – March 18, 2024

  • Grades 6-12: Students will receive video training about Say Something.

While video training is only being provided to students enrolled in grades 6-12, the reporting system can be accessed by all students, staff, and families regardless of age or grade level. 

We are truly pleased to have an agreement with Sandy Hook Promise, which provides this system to numerous school districts across the nation and many in California. 

About MCS Safety Preparedness

The District has a comprehensive crisis plan in the event of any emergency, and our schools have security measures in place to ensure the well-being of students and staff. If an emergency does occur at a school, MCS will notify parents as quickly as possible using a variety of means including text, email, and phone call.

What Students are Saying About the Anonymous Reporting System

More than 5,000 schools and school districts nationwide are participating in the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, protecting millions of students and educators. 

Say Something Week - March 4-8, 2024

Each year, thousands of schools and youth organizations nationwide participate in Say Something Week, a week of celebrating the importance of trusted adults and upstanders in communities throughout the United States. 

Modesto City Schools is participating by promoting the program on social media with information for students about how to look for the warning signs of someone at-risk of hurting themselves or others and how to tell a trusted adult to get help.