Below is the information you will need to get your student athlete cleared to participate in sports. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.
Instructions For Registering Your Athlete
SportsNet Inc. provides secure online registration services for high school athletic programs. Below are some instructions for creating a parent/guardian user account and registering one or more athletes.
Registration Website Link By School
Davis High School:
Before You Begin
Make sure you have the following prior to attempting to register your child:
Your child student identification number
The exact spelling of your child’s first and last name as it appears in official school records
A scanned copy of your child’s completed Pre-Participation Physical Exam on your computer (to be uploaded during registration) – Genius Scan App works great to scan docs
Your child’s active health insurance coverage information, including the name of the provider and the policy ID
Registration Process
Be sure to carefully read the instructions on each screen and provide all required information. If you ae unable to finish in a single session, the information you have already submitted will be saved and you can log back in at a later time to finish.
Creating an Account
Go to the website listed above for your school
Click the Create an Account link near the bottom of the screen
Enter the required information and submit the form
Log into the system with your email address and password
Follow instructions inside the system
Important: The school will not receive your submission until you complete the entire process, ending with your final electronic signature on the last available screen. Be sure to check your email for a confirmation message after you have finished. Please give school personnel up to 48 hours to clear you athlete once all information has been submitted to correctly.
For general assistance, please email the support team at